Empowering states to better manage child care subsidies
We believe all families, no matter their income level, should have access to high-quality child care. States need the right tools to manage complex publicly-funded programs.
- Fully customizable
- Cloud-based solutions
- Prevent fraud
With more than 25 years of experience serving states, KinderSystems is equipped to provide solutions that distribute billions of dollars in federal and state subsidies.
KinderSystems offers customizable cloud-based subsidy management platforms. We work closely with key stakeholders to design and implement solutions that streamline operations and help prevent fraud. We help state agencies manage child care subsidies, process payments, capture client intake, track time and attendance, and manage wait lists for families.

Rely on a partner with experience
Connecting legacy systems and consolidating child care subsidy management services requires careful planning, training, and implementation. States often lack the personnel or experience to design a solution that considers their current systems architecture and workflows.
KinderSystems partners with state leaders to digitize their subsidy process, streamline time and attendance tracking, help prevent fraud, and guide data-driven decision making. Often, our customers ask us how other states solved specific problems, and due to our long history and experience, we can often share best practices information that helps guide them.
Scalable solutions for states
Since 1997, KinderSystems has worked closely with states to serve their early education, child care subsidy, and human services agencies. Many of our upgrades and features were informed by state client feedback and changing state regulatory environments. With current client agencies in Arizona, California, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Texas, and Washington, our team understands the day-to-day issues state agencies face.
KinderSystems can help you track data related to families, providers, funding sources, and payments. It integrates with state legacy systems and helps agencies accurately calculate provider reimbursements. Other modules help providers track attendance, allow families to apply for subsidies and select providers, and even manage child care wait lists.

KinderSystems modules can help state agencies:
- Accurately, securely, and consistently calculate payments based on schedules, rates, and attendance.
- Issue and track payments, and perform required state and federal reporting.
- Allow families to apply for child care slots.
- Track time and attendance for both publicly-funded and private-pay children.
- Interface directly with the many child care management systems used by providers to help them more efficiently manage their businesses.
- Increase efficiency and security with role-based permissions for families, providers, administrators, and others.
- Cost-effectively train staff through onsite and live online training programs.

Why choose KinderSystems for your state?
Head Start, Early Head Start, & Community Action agencies
States & territories served across North America
Agencies in
the State
of California
- We currently serve nine states, processing over 2 million attendance transactions every week.
- We’ve calculated over $2 billion in payments.
- Staffed by experienced leadership and support teams with state child care subsidy experience.
- Offer U.S.-based, around-the-clock customer support – from onboarding through implementation; our representatives span four time zones.
- Equipped to interpret federal and state reporting requirements, with the ability to adapt to quickly and accurately adapt to changes in regulations.
- Host and maintain databases in the United States.
- Systems built to meet FISMA, NIST 800-53 Rev. 5, and FERPA requirements.
- Our system undergoes annual security audits (internally and third-party) – ensuring your data stays safe.
We listen and learn from our state partners. We work alongside your agency stakeholders to help you achieve your unique goals.
We'll work with you to configure the solution that best meets your needs.

Specifically designed for state agencies, KinderSystems offers scalable solutions for states.
Child Care Center Subsidy Management & Compliance
- Manage child care subsidy cases and funding sources.
- Determine eligibility for families.
- Manage provider records & assign children to providers.
- Distribute accurate subsidies from multiple government programs in a single platform.
- For California agencies – Manage California Alternative Payment programs/center-based programs.
Payment Calculation & Issuance
- Calculate provider reimbursement and payments accurately and consistently, taking local differences into account.
- Calculate payments based on authorizations, actual attendance, contracted attendance, special needs, provider rates, regional market rates, state regulations, and more.
Program Integrity
- Ensure that all of your program funds are used to the benefit of eligible children and families.
- Reduce administrative errors and prevent, detect, and eliminate fraud.
Attendance Tracking
- Offer secure check-in and check-out via tablets or smart phones, offering convenience to staff and families.
- Make compliance effortless for providers, by utilizing attendance records from child care management systems they already use.
Online Eligibility
& Enrollment
- Conveniently apply for child care online.
- Submit eligibility documents securely.
Audits & Reporting
- Accurately track data for your state or the federal government.
- Run reports targeting attendance, provider payments, and more.
Family Fee & Tuition
Billing and Payment
- Invoice families for fees and tuition.
- Deduct fees from provider payment.
- Generate paper-based documents.
Child Care Center
- Manage all of the details of your child care program in one solution.
- Collect family and provider data, payment calculation information, funding sources, and more.