OHIO SUPPORT Resources for Child Care Providers in Ohio
Everything you need to know about using the Child Care Time, Attendance and Payment Information system (known as the TAP system) in Ohio.
Helpful Links & Videos
I am locked out of my account?
Please call the support line and one of our support representatives will help you with this issue.
How do I reset my password?
Underneath the login button there are two links. One of them says “click here if you forgot your password.” Click on that link. It will take you to a page that asks you to enter your username. Enter your username in the field and press the “retrieve secret question” button. The next screen will ask you the secret question you chose while signing up for your account. Enter you answer and press “Validate Secret Question.” If you answer the question correctly the next screen will let you choose a new password. Type your password, enter it again and click the reset password button. A pop up will appear letting you know your password has been updated. Click the close button in the pop up to return to the login screen.
KinderSign Tablet App questions
How do I register my tablet?
You will need to scan two QR codes. You can find them underneath the reports menu option. Click on reports in the blue menu that runs across the top of the screen. From the drop-down menu that appears click on reports again. This will bring you to a page with a drop-down menu. The first QR code you need to scan is the KinderSign Tablet registration form. Select the report from the drop-down menu and then click view. You should be asked to open or download and save the report. Whether you choose to open the report or save it, the report will appear and you should see the QR code. Scan it with the camera on the tablet. It should beep and take you back to the scan page.
Now we need to scan the second QR code. You can find that in the report titled Provider Mobile sign in sheet. Select the report from the drop-down menu and then click view. You should be asked to open or download and save the report. Whether you choose to open the report or save it, the report will appear, and you should see the QR code. Scan it with the camera on the tablet. It should beep and take you to a page that looks like a phone’s number pad. If you see the number pad you have successfully registered your tablet.
KinderSmart Phone app questions
How do sponsors register their phones?
Sponsors need to scan two QR codes to register their devices. The first is the KinderSmart mobile registration form. This is found on the sponsor detail page. The second is the provider mobile sign in sheet you can find this in the reports section of KinderConnect. For illustrated instructions of the process please click here.
Don’t see what you’re looking for?
For any questions or support needs, please call the TAP Support line:
1-833-866-1708 Option 9
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