Kindersystems leadership team Rob Hops

Rob Hops

Director of Project Management

Rob is responsible for the planning and implementation of large-scale child care subsidy management systems. He has been with the company for over twenty years. Before joining KinderSystems, Rob worked as an electronics technician for a company that manufactured wire marking machines for aircraft and served in the United States Navy for 10 years.

Why KinderSystems?

Our software and services make a measurable difference in the lives of children and families. We have a dedicated team who is focused on just this purpose.

Favorite part of the job?

After all the hard work to implement a new system, it is rewarding to hear from clients just how much of a difference our software has made.

Outside the office?

I moved from San Diego to Western New York in 2003, and ever since then, my mantra has been, “there is more to life than good weather!” I enjoy playing golf with my wife and/or my friends, and barbequing – both of which I do year-round.

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