Kindersystems leadership team Jorge Robledo

Jorge Robledo

Senior Vice President of Operations

Jorge Robledo is the leader responsible for infrastructure, customer success, and state operations.

Before joining KinderSystems, Jorge spent time working in the news and broadcasting industry, non-profit sector, and information security.

In his early years, Jorge ran a hosting company where paying customers subsidized free access for those who could not pay for it and wanted to learn more about Linux and open-source software.

Why KinderSystems?

Providing effective tools for those involved in childhood development is extremely important. Kids are the building blocks of our society, and our future as humanity depends on their success.

Favorite part of the job?

My job is highly dynamic, and every day is different. It requires constant learning. I have the opportunity to improve processes around me continuously.

Outside the office?

I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, hiking, and learning about how macro and microeconomics affect market dynamics.

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